Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Day 39 on the Trail

Today was another good day out on the Appalachian Trail. Max and I were able to put in exactly 25 miles today. It's crazy how your body adjust to something you do for an extended period of time. I was thinking earlier that through Georgia and early North Carolina it was tough to get 15 miles a day, now we are doing 25 miles and enjoying ourselves. We are definitely not the fastest by no means but we do put in miles just because of how long we hike. Most people out here hike until 3 or 4 while we get in around 6 or 7. It's just too beautiful out to not keep going. We did however find someone who hiked around the same distance as us and we are gonna try to keep up with him, his name is Speedy and he is a chef from California.

This morning was amazing, around 6 miles in we came to a shelter that use to be the old fire wardens cabin. They converted it into an 8 person shelter. Also we walked through a pasture that was on top of a huge mountain.

Another event that happened today was I had my first fall. A thought ran through my head earlier this morning about me not falling yet and I thought I might be able to make it all the way without falling. Not even an hour later I'm face-planting while talking to my mom on the phone. Luckily I didn't get hurt and it was just a little embarrassing. Hopefully it will be my last fall though!!

There really wasn't many people we saw on the trail today which is beginning to be more and more prominent. I don't know if everyone has dropped out or if we are just in between bubbles of people. There is the guys we have been hiking with though that we have been trying to provoke spiritual conversations with. They always change the subject but maybe if we can continue they might open up. One of them did give me his phone number that way I could come up and hunt in Illinois with him. Ministry on the trail is tough but such a need. There are so many ways to help with trail ministry. One way is what I'm doing by hiking along side everyone and being a light but not everyone wants to hike 2200 miles. Being involved with trail magic and helping hikers in towns also are great ways to make a positive impact on their lives, making them question your motives for helping them. That's where I've found you get the question. Whether your giving food away or offering help, often times it will catch people off guard and they're ask why.

Being out here is starting to develop me into the person I wanted to be and also has opened my eyes to many things. I can truly say that I am where God wants me to be and it's the best feeling in the world.

Please continue to pray for Max and I as we continue on this journey. I hope all is well back home! God Bless!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Mile 587.1

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