Friday, March 24, 2017


Day 13 on the Trail

It was an easier day today, only about 8 miles and we ended up in the nicest shelter of the Appalachian Trail, the Fontana Hilton. Don't let it confuse you it is not a Hilton hotel, but a nice wooden shack without a door!

We started off the day with a 7 mile down hill section. It was hard on the joints like always but I can definitely feel my body getting stronger. Once we reached the Fontana Marina we called for a shuttle that would take us into the Fontana Village. This is where we were we planed to get our resupply. After an hour of waiting on the shuttle it finally came and we were off.

Once we reached the Village we got our resupply and re packed it into our bags. We also marveled at our new z-seats that the Job Sunday school class at Hull Baptist bought for us! Thanks so much guys.

After getting our resupply we decided to print off our backcountry permits for the smokies and grab a bite to eat. The lodge had a bistro in it where I was able to get a burger called the wildwoody. Definitely recommend it, it has a burger and barbecue and bacon!

After heading to the general store and getting an ice cream for dessert, we set back out towards the trail. This is where we decided instead of going on into the smokies, to actually relax for the night and stay at the Fontana Hilton.

It was the right decision to stay. We plan on pushing pretty hard through the Smokies so we needed to give our body some rest. Also there are a ton of people here and we get to hangout with everyone. This is one of my favorite parts of being out here is socializing and getting to know everyone's stories. This also can help give us more opportunities to share our beliefs and why Jesus is our Savior.

I think we are about to have a big fire tonight with everyone in the shelter so that will be fun!

Thanks again for all the prayers and support. You do not realize how much it means to me.

Also another great way to do some outdoor ministries is by being trail angels and giving trail magic. This is when you are at a Gap on the Appalachian Trail and you give the hikers some food or something warm or cold to drink depending on the weather. It is a total morale boost for all hikers.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Fontana Hilton Shelter

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